Join us for All or any of these events.
Remember to wear your flowers!

August 15 (Tues) – Comadres & Friends Book Club, 6:00pm, 
Bryant Park Reading Room, 42nd Street & 6th Avenue
Look for the Comadres table and the balloons!

NEW BOOK!  LUCIA ZARATE by Cecilia Velastegui.  
The book is based on the poignant, real-life odyssey of the world's smallest woman. Pretty and gregarious, Lucia Zárate was just twenty inches tall. A celebrity after her 'display' at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial International Exhibition, Lucia's extraordinary, heartbreaking story is one of exploitation by greedy sideshow hucksters and a fishbowl existence on the road, from New York to Victorian London. We follow the adventures of diminutive Lucia Zárate and her devoted governess as they grapple with life and death, finding joy and adventure in their bumpy sideshow journey of more than fourteen years. This is an artfully balanced novel that is a mesmerizing tale of survival, resilience, and the uplifting force of friendship.

 PLUS! Our “Conversations with book” is THE QUEEN ENCHILADA COOKBOOK by Sylvia Casares.

August 16 (Wed) – Movie Night.  “Girls Trip” at the AMC Loews Theatre on 19 Street & Broadway.  
Meet in front of theatre at 6:45pm. 

August 28 (Mon) – Comadres & Friends Book Club Teleconference & Twitter Chat, 8:00pm EST
Register at Listen in as we interview the month’s authors about their books and 
new projects. Join us on the TwitterChat as well. Our hashtag is #ReadLatinoLit

August 31 (Thurs) – Chihuly Night at the Bronx Botanical Garden, tickets are $35. 
Show starts at 6:30pm. Get tickets at:

September 21 (Thurs) – September Comadrazo at Credit Suisse, 6:00pm



Greetings, Comadres!

Many thanks to Yvette Martinez and AARP for hosting us this month.

We have sad news and good news.  Sadly, Raesha Cartagena has had to step down from being a Comadres Facilitator for personal reasons, but she will continue to be a Comadre and will join us when she can. A search for another Comadre to join the Facilitator Team is underway.

The good news is the launch of our new Blog Site, where Comadres can find the latest newsletters, events calendar and member bios. We want more ways to connect with You!  Hence, our Facebook page and now this blog site.  Check us out at

#ComadresFun!  We had lots of fun at July’s events and have planned two activities for August – a movie night and a trip to the NY Bronx Botanical Garden for the Chihuly night exhibition; see back for more details. Join us and feel free to bring a friend. Use our hashtag #ComadresFun when posting to social media.

We’ve posted some photos below of our July activities, including the Chatting with Comadres information series at the July Comadrazo. Many thanks again to Julie Anna Alvarez and Vanessa Peters for talking to us about “Career Services.”  The next “Chat with Comadres” will be in November, and per your requests, it will be on Social Media.

Please check the Calendar of Events and Announcements on the other side. Join us for all or any of the events!

Las Comadres Facilitators                                             
Maria, Gladys & Miriam

Las Comadres Book Club Discussion Leaders           
Maria, Dora Maria, Nicole & Tess


Informational Series

Comadres Julie Anna Alvarez and Vanessa Peters 
on Career Services


Julie Anna, Friend, Clara, Tess, Maria, Gladys & Miriam
not show Viv Cotte


Lovely, Maria, Gladys, Lillian, Miriam, Dora Maria, Nicole


Dora Maria Abreu is the Social Media Coordinator for the Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club and a NYC Book Club Discussion Leader since 2007. 

Dora Maria is also an avid technology and education professional with progressive work experience in IT support and as a software engineer / developer but also in career and professional and personal skills. She has helped youth of all ages and community at large through mentoring, coaching and providing a variety of programs and workshops on internship preparation, leadership / professional development as well technical classes for those within and outside the STEM field.  By being part of the John C. Maxwell Team she has been able to build on these skills and reach a wider audience. Dora Maria enjoys music, dance, sports, photography, poetry and reading.  

WE WANT YOU!  Comadres are invited to email a mini bio and photo to be featured in an upcoming newsletter. Tell us about yourself and how long you’ve been a Comadre.


  • August 15 (Tues) – Comadres & Friends Book Club, 6:00pm. 

·         August 16 (Wed) – Movie Night.  “Girls Trip” at the AMC Loews Theatre on 19 Street & Broadway.  Meet at 6:45pm.

·         August 28 (Mon) – Comadres & Friends Book Club Teleconference & Twitter Chat, 8:00pm.  Register at Listen in as we interview the month’s authors about their books and new projects. #ReadLatinoLit

·         August 31 (Thurs) – Chihuly Night at the Bronx Botanical Garden, tickets are $35.  Show starts at 6:30pm.

·         September 21 (Thurs) – September Comadrazo at Credit Suisse, 6:00pm

JOB OPPORTUNITIES!  Please remember to let us know of any job opportunities, volunteer positions or upcoming events you come across that would be of benefit to a fellow Comadre. Email us at

ARE YOU ON THE LIST SERV?  If you are not receiving Las Comadres’ event emails, join the group at:

COMADRES FUN FRIDAYS ON FACEBOOK! Like our Facebook Page—@LasComadresNYCNetwork.
Comadre Miriam Molina is posting our upcoming events and monthly notices on our Facebook page. AND, every Friday we want YOU to share your photos with us of Comadres having fun. Use our hashtag #ComadresFun. Our link is

QUOTE OF THE MONTH                               
    Well behaved women                                   
    Rarely make history.                                      
          ---Eleanor Roosevelt                         

Facebook: @LasComadresNYCNetwork
Book Club:
Use our hashtags:  #ComadresFun, #ReadLatinoLit 


Dora Maria Abreu is the Social Media Coordinator for the Las Comadres & Friends National Latino Book Club and a NYC Book Club Discussion Leader since 2007. Dora Maria is also an avid technology and education professional with progressive work experience in IT support and as a software engineer / developer but also in career and professional and personal skills. She has helped youth of all ages and community at large through mentoring, coaching and providing a variety of programs and workshops on internship preparation, leadership / professional development as well technical classes for those within and outside the STEM field.  By being part of the John C. Maxwell Team she has been able to build on these skills and reach a wider audience. Dora Maria enjoys music, dance, sports, photography, poetry and reading. ###


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