January 2017 - Las Comadres Newsletter

Hola, Comadres.  We hope you had a great holiday and are ready to take on 2017 and all its challenges.  We start the year with our annual Comadres Birthday Party, where we celebrate Everyone’s birthday with flowers and cake!

Please join us in thanking Comadre Morriseen and the Edwin Gould Foundation for hosting us this month.

And, help us WELCOME two new Comadres Moderators – Gladys Ayala and Miriam Molina.  Together with Maria and Raesha, these four Comadres will organize the monthly Comadrazos and special outings so stay tune to your event brites and email notifications.

A big Thank You to SuperComadre Julia Abrantes for working tirelessly for the NYC Comadres and the national organization these past years. Yes, she is moving to Atlanta in April, but she will always be with us in spirit and corazon. Julia will be at the January Birthday Celebration; come say hello.  (It’s not goodbye yet.)

We are hoping to do an outing soon to see the movie Neruda starring Luis Gnecco as the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda; also starring Gael Garcia Bernal, Mercedes Moran and Alfredo Castro. All Comadres and friends welcome.

Our Comadres January calendar is below, along with some announcements and ways to help Las Comadres. As soon as we confirm February’s date for our Comadrazo, we will send an email. 

We leave you with an inspirational message to start 2017:

            “And suddenly you know…
            It’s time to start something New
            and trust the magic of beginnings.”

And we wish you a …. HAPPY EVERYTHING!

Las Comadres Facilitators
Maria, Raesha, Gladys & Miriam 

Las Comadres Book Club Discussion Leaders
Maria, Dora Maria, Nicole & Tess


January 17 (Tues)– Comadres Book Club Meeting & Author Chat 
6:30pm at the Citicorp Bldg, Atrium Lobby, Comadres table. (53rd Street & Lexington)
Join us even if you don’t finish the book.

Come meet author Zoraida Cordova, LABYRINTH LOST (Sourcebooks).

January 30 (Mon) –Comadres Book Club Teleconference & Twitter Chat
Register early and you may win a free book. Sign up today at www.latinolit.com to join the Teleconference with authors Zoraida Cordova and Patricia Santos Marcantoni. And join our Twitter Chat during the teleconference. Friend us @ReadLatinoLit; hashtag #ReadLatinoLit.

Announcements & Other News 

Share your news with Las Comadres! 
Know of a job opening, volunteer opportunity, upcoming activity that would help Las Comadres, email us at lascomadresNY@gmail.com. If approved, we’ll post on the list serv for all.

Become a Comadre and encourage others to become Comadres! If you're NEW to Las Comadres: Welcome!!!  Please visit our website to sign up for our email list serve, book club, Eventbrites and to find out more about Las Comadres. http://lascomadres.com/lco/join-las-comadres/

Buy Las Comadres Merchandise at discount!
We have lots of Las Comadres merchandise available for you to choose from, including the new limited edition scarves.  They measure 12 x 54 and are available in silk $50 $40 or polyester $25 /$15.  Contact lascomadresny@gmail.com.

Free book! Sofia Lachapelle has written a bilingual book, which talks about aspects of Autism.  Both of her sons are autistic and she found difficulty in finding resources available in Spanish.  It's a nicely illustrated 24 page book that you can download for free.  Please share.

By Sofia Lachapelle

Get your copy of COUNT ON ME: Tales of Sisterhoods and Fierce Friendships. 
A wonderful collection of stories by 12 prominent Latino authors who reveal how friendships have helped them to overcome difficult moments in their lives. Authors include Reyna Grande, Esmeralda Santiago, Daisy Martínez, Sofia Quintero, Stephanie Elizondo Griest, and Michelle Herrera Mulligan.

Fly American Airlines and Benefit Las Comadres!
American Airlines is now the official airline for Las Comadres. You can help Las Comadres grow every time you fly American Airlines.  Here's how:  Las Comadres has a Business ExtrAA® Account  Number 790376.  When you book your reservations on American Airlines®, American Eagle® or AmericanConnection® whether it's via their website or through your preferred travel agent, in addition to earning AAdvantage miles for your travel, you can also help expand Las Comadres!♥

Reminder! If you have a job posting or news that you would like to share with your Comadres, email us at lascomadresNY@gmail.com.   And if you know of anyone who wants to join Las Comadres, invite them to a Comadrazo and have them sign up here: http://lascomadres.com/lco/join-las-comadres/

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