Chatting with Las Comadres: Careers & Job Search

July 11, 2017

Julie Anna Alvarez, Director of Alumni and International Career Services at Columbia Law School 

Vanessa Peters, Human Resources Specialist at Michael Kors, USA, Inc.

*** This handout can be shared with proper permission and credit for Julie Anne Alvarez & Vanessa Peters.  ***

Building A Base

Your Resume/Cover Letter:
1.      Always tailor your resume/cover letter to the position for which you are applying.
2.      Your resume is allowed one page per every 10 years of relevant experience – but should be no longer than 2 pages.
3.      Every bullet point or sentence in your resume should include a success verb.
4.      First paragraph of cover letter is key place to connect with the specific employer – don’t be generic.

Sample List of Success Verbs:
·         Achieved
·         Added
·         Awarded
·         Changed
·         Contributed
·         Decreased
·         Delivered
·         Eliminated
·         Exceeded
·         Expanded
·         Gained
·         Generated
·         Grew
·         Improved
·         Increased
·         Introduced
·         Maximized
·         Optimized
·         Produced
·         Reduced
·         Saved
·         Sold

1.      Always have a photo.  The photo should reflect an appropriate professional image.
2.      Resume should be complete and updated.
3.      LinkedIn is not Facebook.  It is for your professional networking.
Job Search Keys

Strategies To Find A Job:
There are three ways people find jobs:
1.      Job Postings ( or industry specific sites)
2.      Unsolicited direct outreach to specific targets with phone follow-up
3.      Networking
If you use networking to support the other two methods, your chances of success increase dramatically.  About upwards of 70% of jobs are obtained because there was a networking connection involved.

1.      Networking is not just schmoozing at cocktail parties and it is definitely not asking people you barely know if there is a job opening they can recommend.   Networking is not about instant results, but rather delayed gratification.
2.      Network with a plan and be prepared.
3.      Use the “Professional Coffee Chat” method to grow your network.
4.      Cultivate relationships -- it is when people know you, like you and trust you that they will introduce you to others in their network and let you know about job opportunities when they arise. 
5.      Stay on people’s radar in appropriate ways.
6.      Help others and be a giver – networking is a two-way street.  Connect others in ways that help them whenever you can and you will ultimately reap the reward.

Presenting Your Best Professional Self

Your Materials:
1.      No typos or errors. 
2.      Neat presentation whether via email or hard copy.
3.      Avoid “To whom it may concern” – research who the best person to address it to is.
4.      Professional emails are not like emails you send to a friend – they are still professional correspondence.

1.      Dress appropriately for the type of job and industry standard whether interviewing or attending events where you may encounter other professionals in the field.
2.      Plan to arrive a bit early to interviews – never be late.  Remember that Security Desks/Checkpoints are a reality in our world and leave time for them.  Plan for the “unexpected” travel delay.
3.      Be conscious of first impressions and treat everyone you encounter with respect.

Good Luck!

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