Greetings, Comadres!

Happy Hispanic Heritage Everything! We celebrate our Latinidad all year long!

Many thanks to Comadre Kimberly Hernandez and Univision for hosting us this month.   

NEW COMADRES!  Welcome! Please make sure to sign up for our group list serv by registering at:  http://lascomadres.com/lco/join-las-comadres/

We want to remind all Comadres to take advantage of our website-blog and Facebook page.  They are great resource tools for you to keep track of our meeting dates and activities.  We promise there will be at least one activity every month. 

We also encourage all Comadres to join the Book Club.  Join us even if you don’t finish the book; the discussions are amazing.

Last, but not least, please join us in praying for families in Florida, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Las Vegas.

Best wishes for a Happy Fall!

Las Comadres Facilitators       
Gladys, Miriam, Nydia & Maria

Las Comadres Book Club Discussion Leaders    
Maria, Dora Maria, Nicole & Tess

Calendar of EvenTs

October 7, Sat –LitCrawl, 6:00pm
sponsored in part by Latinx in Publishing
Havana Outpost, 757 Fulton Street, Brooklyn (corner of South Portland).   
       6pm—poetry reading from La Pluma y La Tinta
       7pm—Literary Loteria sponsored by LxP      

October 17, Tues –Book Club, 6:00pm
New Location! Pershing Square Atrium on the corner of 42nd Street & Park Avenue; across from Grand Central Station. (Doesn’t have visible address but it is to the right of 60 W 42nd St.)  Look for the Comadres table.
                  Book of the Month:  Affections by Rodrigo Hasbun (Pushkin Press).  
It’s a fascinating tale of a Nazi family who flees to Bolivia after WWII and then embarks on an expedition to search for the lost Inca city of Paititi.  It’s a family’s voyage of discovery with unexpected consequences.

October 28, Sat – Women With Wings exhibit, 12noon
Artist and curator is Comadre Andrea Arroyo.
Maggie’s Garden, 564 West 149th Street, Bronx
Meet in front of Garden entrance.  FREE.

October 30, Mon -- Book Club Teleconference, 8:00pm EST
Register for the teleconference with authors Rodrigo Hasbun and Jorge Argueta. We will be speaking with them about their new books.  Early registrants may win a free book.  Register now at www.latinolit.com. 

November 13, Mon:  Comadrazo / Chatting with Las Comadres informational series on Social Media.

November 14. Tues:   Book Club    


Visit our blog sitewww.lascomadresnyc.blogspot.com—to find the latest Comadres news, calendar of events and member bios.

Job Opportunities. Please remember to let us know of any job opportunities, volunteer positions or upcoming events you come across that would be of benefit to a fellow Comadre. Email us at lascomadresNY@gmail.com.

Friday Fun. Join us on Friday’s on our Comadres Facebook page @LasComadresNYCNetwork, and share your photos. Use our hashtag #ComadresFun.

  Email:  lascomadresNY@gmail.com
  Facebook: @LasComadresNYCNetwork
  Book Club: www.latinolit.com
  Blog: www.lascomadresnyc.blogspot.com
  Use our hashtags:  #ComadresFun, #ReadLatinoLit 


FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS. Feliz Navidad Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah Happy Kwanzaa Happy New Year Happy Everythin...